I am looking ford

I am looking ford to when we go to Australia . We have gone to Australia before we went to Melbourne it was fun but it was cold  . Then we went to gold coast  it was fun we went to wet and wild then sea world and movie world . We are going to Mooloolaba in sun shine coast I do not know what we are doing it is going to be fun it is near to the sea .We will go to the beach all the time .

Grey Wolves

The grey wolves are the biggest wolves in the world.


Wolves are 36 inches ( 91 cm ) and 175 pounds (79.4kg).  Wolves have a long bushy tail with a black tip on the end and pointy ears sticking up, sharp teeth to grab.


Wolves live everywhere in North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa. They live in woodland , forest , grassland and desert . A group of Wolves are called a pack .


Wolves can have up to 4 to 6 pups a year. They stay in their mother’s tummy for 63 days . The pups stay with their mother for 1 to 2 year then they go by themselves .Their eyes are closed for the first 4 weeks, there are 40 species . Wolves have no live mate. 


Wolves eat a lot and eat deer , bison , elk , moose , mountain goats . Wolves all so eat hares , beavers , birds and fish.   


Wolves have lots of hunting techniques the leader takes charge. The leader goes and grabs the sick animals and they get the herd on the run by spooking them

100 word Challenge

One day John and Alex was walking down the river and did not take notice of the sign . The sign said falling rocks then BANG a rock walls in front of them. Then Alex went in to the river and splash John was so scared he run down the river chasing him . He found a old man called Angus , he owned a boat John and Angus hoped in the boat . The old man chased Alex he found him a got back to hes old shed a next time they will look a all the sign so they have very fun .